This is the future home of my blog on Productivity for People of Faith where I will be dealing with Productivity as a Spiritual Discipline. Right now it’s still under construction.

I believe that God calls each of us to fulfill a purpose. Life puts obsticles in the way of fulfilling that purpose. Obsticles like over-scheduling, procrastinating, distractions, legitimate emergencies, over-committing, fatigue and sleeplessness, losing focus on what’s important, lack of clarity on roles and priorities.

I want to help you find clarity, not on what you want to do, but on what God is wanting to accomplish through you. You were designed for a higher purpose. All of us need help identifying and sticking to that higher purpose.

Productivity is a spiritual discipline. It is about much more than simply learning to manage your time well. It is about aligning your whole life with your Higher Purpose. It is the foundational spiritual discipline upon which all other spiritual disciplines rest.

Do you practice yoga as a spiritual discipline? You won’t be able to achieve the awesome benefits of yoga if you’re always late for practice or missing sessions because something else interfered. Focussing on Productivity as a spiritual discipline first makes all your other spiritual disciplines possible.

I have a specific neurological handicap that interferes with my ability to be productive in the way God is calling me to be. I have ADHD and Type-II Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder. That makes productivity even more difficult for someone like me than a neuro-typical person. If I can master the skills, techniques, approaches, and worldview to be productive despite my handicap, so can you. And I would like to help.

Because I approach my Christian faith from a point of view commonly referred to as Progressive Faith, I will also be blogging on what that means. Because you may find that I see the world differently from the kind of Christianity you encounter on the news or in other churches. What is progressive faith? I’ll have something to say about that.

And, I’ll likely be blogging on some of my own personal favourite secondary spiritual disciplines: motorcycle riding, genealogy. I may comment on some of the more common spiritual disciplines like worship, prayer, inspirational reading, mediation, journalling and yoga, but these are thoroughly blogged about elsewhere on the web, such that I’m not sure I have much to add to that conversation.

All of this will hopefully tie into a planned future Doctor of Ministry Degree program, which I am currently shopping for.

If you find this helpful, please let me know. If you have specific questions that you’d like me to address on productivity as a spiritual discipline, living with ADHD and bipolar, progressive faith, motorcycling as a spiritual discipline, genealogy as a spiritual discipline, or anything related, please post a comment and I’ll do my best to address it if the squirrels don’t get me first! (That’s an ADHD joke.)


Rev. Ryk

Thunder by Geneva

Thunder by Geneva

Thunder by Geneva (1988) In 1988, I was playing guitar and flute in an original band called, Geneva. After the release of our first EP, No Time To Pray, in 1987, we went back into the studio the following year to record a half-dozen songs for our next album. These...

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Walk With You by Geneva

Walk With You by Geneva

Walk With You by Geneva (1988) In 1988, I was playing guitar and flute in an original band called, Geneva. After the release of our first EP, No Time To Pray, in 1987, we went back into the studio the following year to record a half-dozen songs for our next album....

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